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Version: 1.1.4

An Example

In this example we will generate a sub tier map for a single company, Boeing Co. using the Bulk Data API. Broadly, there are 3 steps:

  1. Find the Versed Identifier for "Boeing Co." by searching the Versed database.
  2. Start a tier view job with the identifier from (1) and store the run identifier.
  3. Check the status of the job and when it's complete download the data.

Step 1 - Match to a Versed Identifier

The Request

Using the /v1/companies/ endpoint we find the match for Boeing Co.

curl --request GET \
--url '<YOUR BASE URL HERE>/v1/companies/?name=Boeing%20Co.' \

or via the API user interface:

companies endpoint

The Response

The top result from the database has a high similarity to our query and relationships, so we will use this Versed Identifier (vid) boeingco-63be9d9f-baba-4a40-9124-ea494dadc48e.

"search_similarity": 1,
"vid": "boeingco-63be9d9f-baba-4a40-9124-ea494dadc48e",
"cid_id": "boeing",
"name": "Boeing Co",
"domains": [
"websites": [
"company_legal_name": "Boeing Co",
"description": "aerospace and defense manufacturer in the United States",
"count_supplier_evidence": 2058,
"count_customer_evidence": 3642,
"count_customers": 374,
"count_suppliers": 530,

Step 2 - Start the Tier View Process

We start the process of extracting the sub tier relationships using the /tierviewjob/ endpoint. This is a POST endpoint so we need to send a body like the following:

The Request

curl --request POST \
--url '<YOU BASE URL HERE>/v1/tierviewjob/' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-BLOBR-KEY: <YOUR KEY HERE>' \
--data '{
"root_nodes": "boeingco-63be9d9f-baba-4a40-9124-ea494dadc48e",
"num_tiers": "3",
"direction": "supplier",
"min_evid_date": "2019-01-01",
"output_multiple_tables": "no"

or via the API user interface:

tier endpoint

root_nodesThe Versed Identifier to create the map for.
num_tiersThe number of tiers to create. 1 tier is 1 level of suppliers, 2 tiers is another level and so on.
direction"customer" or "supplier", where this defines if we want to find customers or suppliers of the root node
min_evid_dateThe earliest date of evidence used to create the map. Earlier dates will use older pieces of evidence for relationships.
output_multiple_tables"yes" or "no". If yes, 3 CSV files will be created, separating relationship, tier location and company information. If not, a single CSV will be returned with all of the data.

The Response

The API will return a run id, which can be used to find the status of the job and the result once finished.

"run_id": 367899

Step 3 - Fetch the Data

The Request

To find the status of the process we poll the /v1/jobs/{run_id} with the run id returned from the step earlier.

The Response

Waiting State

Initially our platform will allocate resources to complete the workflow, returning a PENDING, waiting for cluster state. This could take 1 to 5 minutes.

"run_id": "367899",
"state": {
"life_cycle_state": "PENDING",
"state_message": "Waiting for cluster",
"user_cancelled_or_timedout": false
"output": null

Running State

Once the cluster has started, the system will return a RUNNING state. This could take 5 to 10 minutes.

"run_id": "367899",
"state": {
"life_cycle_state": "RUNNING",
"state_message": "In run",
"user_cancelled_or_timedout": false
"output": {}

Finished State

Once the job has finished, the system will return a SUCCESS state and in the output field, a signed url to download the dataset. This URL can be pasted into a browser to download the CSV or programmatically using curl. See here for field descriptions of the data set.

"run_id": "367899",
"state": {
"life_cycle_state": "TERMINATED",
"result_state": "SUCCESS",
"state_message": "",
"user_cancelled_or_timedout": false
"output": {
"result": "{'tierview_file': ''}",
"truncated": false