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Version: 1.1.4

Bulk Data Export Formats

There are two export formats available via the Bulk Data API which control whether the company, relationship and tier information is combined in a single CSV or split across many.

  • Single table - When the payload specifies output_multiple_tables as "no" the export is combined into a single CSV sheet.
  • Multiple table - When the payload specifies output_multiple_tables "yes" the export is split into three files. One file contains company information for the export, another contains the relationship information between companies and the final file contains the tier numbers which locate the companies in the export (i.e contain the tier numbers).

Single Table Export

The format of the single table export is as follows, where each row represents a relationship between a customer and supplier. The tier of the customer and supplier is also given.

root_node_nameThe delivery name of the company the tier view is run for.
root_node_vidThe Versed Identifier of the root company.
customer_tierThe tier number of the customer of the row. The customer tier is 1 less than the supplier tier.
customer_delivery_nameThe delivery name of the customer of the row.
customer_vidThe Versed Identifier of the customer company.
customer_cidThe cluster identifier of the customer company.
supplier_tierThe tier number of the supplier in the row. The supplier tier is 1 greater than the customer tier.
supplier_delivery_nameThe delivery name of the supplier, which is the legal name if not null.
supplier_vidThe Versed Identifiers of the supplier company.
supplier_cidThe cluster identifier of the supplier company.
edge_idsA list of the edge identifiers that make up the row.
cluster_edge_idThe unique identifier of the cluster edge of the row.
edge_scoreThe total confidence score of the row.
hs_codesThe HS codes extracted from shipping evidence support the row.
status_codeThe status code of the cluster edge.
evidence_typesThe evidence types which support the row.
specific_evidence_typesThe granular evidence types which support the row.
latest_edge_dateThe latest date of the edges which support the relationship in the row.
latest_finalized_edge_dateThe latest finalized date of the edges which support the relationship in the row.
customer_display_nameThe display name of the customer company.
customer_company_legal_nameThe legal name if known of the customer company.
customer_countryThe country of the customer company.
customer_domiciled_countryThe customer domiciled country - a PermID field.
customer_incorporated_countryThe customer incorporated country - a PermID field.
customer_bol_transaction_countryThe customer BOL transaction field - a country aggregated from countries found in shipping records.
customer_hq_countryThe customer HQ country.
customer_permidThe PermID of the customer in the row.
customer_leiThe LEI of the customer in the row.
customer_urlThe URL(s) of the customer company in the row.
supplier_display_nameThe supplier display name.
supplier_company_legal_nameThe legal name if known of the supplier company.
supplier_countryThe country of the supplier in the row.
supplier_domiciled_countryThe domiciled country of the supplier in the row - a PermID field.
supplier_incorporated_countryThe incorporated country of the supplier - a PermID field.
supplier_bol_transaction_countryA country extracted from shipping records associated with the supplier.
supplier_hq_countryThe country of the supplier HQ.
supplier_permidThe PermID of the supplier in the row.
supplier_leiThe LEI of the supplier in the row.
supplier_urlThe URL(s) of the supplier company in the row.

Multiple Table Export

The multiple table export splits information in the export into multiple tables to reduce duplication. The companies and edges tables store the companies and relationships that appear in the export only once. The tiers table lays out how each relationship and customer/supplier pair is positioned in the supply map.

Companies Table

The companies table contains a list of all of the companies in the export. Generally companies will appear multiple times in the dataset - this is captured in the tiers table. The companies table is the unique set of companies exported.

delivery_nameDelivery name (the legal name if not null or the display name) of companies in the tier view export.
vidThe Versed IDentifier of the company in the export.
cidThe cluster id of the company.
display_nameThe display name (common name) of the company.
company_legal_nameThe legal name of the company.
countryThe country associated with the company.
domiciled_countryThe domiciled country of the company - a PermID field.
incorporated_countryThe incorporated country of the company - a PermID field.
bol_transaction_countryA country extracted from shipping data related to the company as a supplier.
hq_countryThe country of the company HQ.
permidThe PermID of the company.
leiThe LEI of the company.
urlURLs of the company website.

Tiers Table

The tiers table represents the locations of the customers and suppliers in the dataset. The tier numbers for each customer and supplier are shown along with the cluster_edge_id, which is a foreign key into the edges table.

root_node_nameThe delivery name of the company the tier view is run for.
root_node_vidThe Versed IDentifier of the root company.
cluster_edge_idThe unique identifier of the cluster edge of the row.
edge_idsA list of the edge identifiers that make up the row.
customer_tierThe tier number of the customer of the row. The customer tier is 1 less than the supplier tier.
supplier_tierThe tier number of the supplier in the row. The supplier tier is 1 greater than the customer tier.
supplier_vidThe Versed IDentifiers of the supplier company.
customer_vidThe Versed IDentifier of the customer company.

Edges Table

The edges table represents the unique relationships present in the dataset. Each edge appears only once. Should relationships appear multiple times, they will be listed many times in the tiers table.

cluster_edge_idThe unique identifier of the cluster edge of the row.
edge_idsThe edge ids which make up the cluster edge.
hs_codesThe HS codes extracted from shipping evidence for this edge.
edge_scoreThe total score of the edge.
latest_edge_dateThe latest date supporting the edge.
latest_finalized_edge_dateThe latest date from finalised evidence supporting the edge.
evidence_typesEvidence types supporting the edge.
specific_evidence_typesGranular evidence types supporting the edge.
status_codeThe status code support the edge (related to human checking procedure).