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Version: 1.1.2

Product & Supplier Locations

Our data, where possible, has country, product keyword and HS Code fields, making it simple to understand the concentration of products and suppliers within geographical regions. By aggregating the suppliers in the dataset we can answer questions below:

How many different suppliers provide a product?

Grouping the unique HS codes in our dataset and counting the unique suppliers gives us an idea of how many suppliers are providing a product within the same category. In this dataset, the number of suppliers is fairly consistent across HS codes.

By grouping suppliers by product keywords we can also identify alternative suppliers.


What is the breakdown of products from countries?

Grouping the data by supplier country and counting the unique products supplied we have a geographic risk factor. Supplier geographies here are much more skewed, in particular to China, Germany and Taiwan.

country_breakdown country_breakdown_map

How many suppliers are in each country?

Grouping the data again by supplier country and counting the unique suppliers we have a different view of geographic risk, independent of product supplied. Here we find an even larger skew towards China.

suppliers_country suppliers_country_map