Company Addresses
As well as company corporate and headquarter addresses, Versed AI aims to capture manufacturing and factory locations for companies in the dataset.
Address Types
Addresses are categorised into the following types based on the activity occuring at the location:
"Administrative Offices",
"Assembly Site",
"Chemicals Plant",
"Data Centre",
"Distribution Centre",
"Logistics Hub",
"Natural Resource Extraction",
"Oil Refinery",
"Point of Sale",
"Power Plant",
"Production Site",
"Research And Development",
"Service Location",
"Testing Site",
"Waste Storage"
Address Fields
Field | Comment | Example |
id | The unique identifier for this address. Since multiple companies can appear at one address, this identifier is unique to the address but can belong to many companies. | 100nriversideplz:chicago::unitedstates:606061596 |
city | The city of the address. | Chicago |
country | The country of the address. | United States of America |
postcode | The postcode of the address. | 60606-1596 |
street_address | The street details of the address. | 100 n riverside plz |
region | The region of the address. This could be a state, province etc. | Washington |
type | A list of the activities (see types above) that occur at this address. | [Headquarters, Factory] |
Note: These fields relate to the address directly. Exported address data will be published with links to the company/companies operating at these addresses.
Example Address Record
"country":"United States",
"street_address":"8415 Paine Field Blvd",
"Production Site"