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Version: 0.1.30

Internal Identifiers

The primary identifier which is globally unique is the vid (Versed IDentifier). Within our datasets, this identifier relates to one and only one company and is generated by Versed AI from a portion of the company name and a random set of characters.

External Identifiers

Versed AI maintains a list of company identifiers from a range of 3rd party sources to aid in matching with other datasets. The dominant sources are:


Refinitiv's PermID is an open and permanent set of company identifiers released under CC-BY 4.0 terms here.


Legal Entity Identifiers are 20 digit, global, alphanumeric codes that are assigned to companies involved in financial transactions. They are used to uniquely identify companies and their parents / subsidiaries.


Wikidata is a database of structured entities and relations, some of which cover companies. Where we have found a link to Wikidata in our database an identifier will be present with a key of Wikidata and a value with a prefix of Q. For example Q66 refers to Apple Computers via the url


Wikipedia is a publicly maintained encyclopaedia. Identifiers in our data linking to Wikipedia are to the article title. For example an identifier such as boeing will refer to


International Securities Idenfitication Number identify financial securities. Whereas single common stock on different exchanges may have different tickers, ISIN numbers identify the security globally.